Summary: Somewhere between “Chosen” and “Ten Years After” Xander reflects on his life since the destruction of Sunnydale.
Rating 15 for mild sexual content. 2,200 words. Xander.
A prequel to “Ten Years After”. Christmas Eve 2004; Willow has a midnight visitor. Rating 15 for sexual content. 3,250 words.
A little ficlet of 521 words. Rating G (U in UK terms). This is, probably, the world's first Buffy/Bagpuss crossover! Only UK readers will be familiar with Bagpuss; for the information of others, it was voted the favourite childrens' television programme of all time in a UK poll a couple of years ago, and all the characters are toys - except Emily. To find out more, or to gaze lovingly at the pictures, try this link: Bagpuss
Another little ficlet in the world of Bagpuss. 722 words, rating about as G as you can get.
Ten years after Chosen, and Dawn is beginning to realize that her status as The Key may still be having an effect on her life. Uncertain of her place in the world, she feels that Spike is the one person who may be able to help her come to terms with her realizations. Only, none of the Scoobies have seen Spike for years.
Rating at least R, probably verging on NC-17. 70,000 words.
Summary: Sequel to ‘Ten Years After’. A trip to Prague, combining research into the nature of the Key with a light-hearted romantic holiday, plunges Dawn and Spike into unsuspected deadly peril. Enemies old and new are on their trail and willing to kill without mercy to achieve their objectives. Spike and Dawn face evil magicians, brutal gangsters, and the staggeringly lethal assassin known as the Sword of God. Warning; although this story features plenty of the romantic elements (and hot sex) seen in ‘Ten Years After’ it also contains levels of violence far beyond anything ever featured in the TV show. Rating NC-17 for violence and sexual content.
The characters in these stories do not belong to me, but are being used for amusement only and all rights remain with Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, the writers of the original episodes/books, and the TV and production companies responsible for the original television shows. BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER ©2002 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All Rights Reserved. The Buffy the Vampire Slayer trademark is used without express permission from Fox. ANGEL ©2001 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All Rights Reserved. The ANGEL trademark is used without express permission from Fox.